Product > Semiconductor > Laser Process
Laser Process
Laser anneal machine
for IGBT and power semiconductor
Backside Laser Annealing System
for Ohmic Contact Formation on SiC
Laser anneal machine
○Laser anneal equipment for IGBT and power semiconductor
・Heat only on backside by 2 wavelength laser anneal and control anneal depth from 1 to 10 micro
・High throughput was realized by combination of continuously oscillating laser and turn table.
○Backside Laser Annealing System for Ohmic Contact Formation on SiC.
・The 1st time equipment in the world and applicable development and prototype of products.
・This equipment will support mas production by its high stability, reproducibility, throughput and
low running cost.
○Laser scriber.
・Exclusive use for SIC and realized debris less.
Micro multi laser drilling machine
Laser anneal machine
○Ultra precise hole making :Making diameter 15 to 50 micrometer hole.
○High speed great number holes making :Making maximum diameter 100 mill meter and maximum number
one million holes by 30 to 500 seconds. (less than 0.1 mill second/hole)
○Precise hole making: Hole position accuracy <0.5micro meter hole diameter accuracy <0.5 micro meter.
○Long term stability, easy control and less downtime:
・Unaffected from change of razor profile.
・Easy control because of simple optical system.
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